Selfies in Haramain

Selfies in Haramain

If you have been to Hajj and Umrah, you must have noticed the nuisance that it causes by the pilgrims’ act of taking selfies during tawaf and even otherwise. This has been proven to cause distraction and disturbance for pilgrims, who are busy praying or doing...
New Airline Service to Gwadar

New Airline Service to Gwadar

A new, airline service called “Gwadar Air” has started its services to Gawadar, adding to the list of new small and big players in the lucrative aviation sector of Pakistan. With the advent of CPEC and resultant Chinese investment in the (once a remote)...
Health tips for the Proactive haji

Health tips for the Proactive haji

One can assume that the reader of this article is about to embark on a journey to Mekkah for Pilgrimage that would fulfil his mind, body and spirit. In that case, let us begin by congratulating you and we hope you return home relieved, safe and lighter than a feather....
Tips for Umrah Packages

Tips for Umrah Packages

First things first, whereas most of us would like to book a really cheap umrah package, there is no way around a quality umrah service in the competitive market today. So, if someone offers you a really cheap package, you will pay in some other way when you arrive for...
Taif To Turn Into A Summer Resort

Taif To Turn Into A Summer Resort

Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, governor of Makkah and adviser to the king, has recently pressed for the work to go ahead in the concerned matter. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal has ordered the representatives of the city of Taif and the government agencies to start carrying out...
Medina Airport Second Best In Middle East

Medina Airport Second Best In Middle East

The ACI (Airports Council International) has ranked Prince Mohammed bin Abdul-Aziz International Airport, Medina the 2nd best airport in the Middle East for the 2nd quarter of 2016. The airport has been ranked 2nd among the 10 airports in the region, and earned 4.65/5...

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