Air France, like British Airways, may resume its flight services to Pakistan after a decade’s hiatus. The news came from Petroleum Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan on Friday. He said that after witnessing the improved security conditions and a promising business environment in Pakistan, Air Frame was planning to resume its services.

“Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan,” the minister said, “Pakistan is a country that stands for peace and would undertake efforts to foster harmony among friends and neighbors.

“It stands ready to be a hub of commerce, trade, and foreign investment. A major step in this direction is the overhauling of the visa regime wherein nationals of more than 50 countries would be given visa on arrival,” he added whilst briefing the media.

“Pakistan is being led by an honest and visionary leader, who is trying his best to improve the country’s image among the comity of nations,” he stated and highlighted that the UAE’s crown prince visited the country last month; Saudi crown prince is arriving this month; whilst Malaysian prime minister is scheduled to visit Pakistan in March.

Pakistan has been embroiled in the war on terror for nearly two decades at the cost of tens of thousands of lives. With a flourishing economy and a decline in terrorism, Pakistan is hoping to stay connected with the world and maintain favorable bilateral relations with the European countries.

German airlines, Lufthansa, is also set to resume its flights to Pakistan. Martin Kobler, talking to social media, said:

“Good to read the statement of ambassador Yao Jing @lijiang about CPEC focusing on investment and exports. That’s exactly what growing population of #pakistan needs! Would like to encourage also German companies to engage more, also @#lufthansa to resume flights to Pakistan [sic].”

The German ambassador, whilst praising the Chinese ambassador’s statements on CPEC that is focusing on investment and exports in the country, urged German companies to invest and engage more in Pakistan.

Europe is home to more than two million Pakistanis; and due to the recent rise in stringent measures being taken against corruption and terrorism on Pakistani soil, this appears to be another good news for the country’s recovering international image. 

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